
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
In its 15th year, the Bushels for Hunger Grain Drive continues to make significant impacts in fighting hunger. Farmers across Mercer, Henry, and Rock Island are donating portions of their harvests—corn, grain, and soybeans—to aid the River Bend Food Bank. Over the years, their generosity has translated into more than 1.6 million meals, with contributions amounting to approximately $324,000. The drive will conclude at the end of January 2025, and a press conference is slated to announce this year's total contributions. In addition to grain donations, monetary contributions are also welcomed to further bolster the food bank's resources. These efforts showcase the community's enduring commitment to supporting those in need.
The Annual Farm Bureau meeting is on December 7, 2024, in Chicago and will feature a young leader from Henry County, Sadie Asher, who was named the Excellence in Agriculture Award. There will be a holiday wreath decorating class on December 19th, from 6 to 77:30 PM, at the Farm Bureau Office in Cambridge. Call the Henry County Farm Bureau at 309-937-2411 to get signed up. Watch for updates on their Facebook page.